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En bloggartikkel om meg i TheArtistInYou
A Rising Star ~ Solfrid Helene Steinskog
by Regina Sabiston

Olav Omland was her grandfather. He was a very
talented artist who had many exhibitions and distinctions and won "The
Art Prize of the City of Flekkefjord" in 1983. He also became an
honourable member of the Art Society of Flekkefjord in 1992. Below you
will see his self portrait and on Facebook, a page is dedicated to him
in memory of his great accomplishments. Solfrid's grandmothers' uncle
was a talented artist as well. His name was Georg Jansen and he lived on
the island of Hidra for many many years. His painting is the still life
painting below.
(click the pictures for larger versions)
When I look at Solfrid's paintings I am surprised to hear that she
has only been painting since 2009. Born in Fiekkefjord, Norway and now
living in Klepp (Rogaland County), the sout-west part of Norway she gets
her inspiration from the many beaches around her. She also loves to
photograph and uses the best parts of several photographs for reference.
She says, "I am not a slave to photographs as I can also paint without one."
As a child she used to draw and remembers how everyone was so surprised
at how well she drew at such a young age. It was then, that she
believed talent is in the genes.Unfortunately Solfrid's grandfather died before she began to paint. When they had a 100 year celebration for her grandfather's exhibition she was so inspired that she decided to start painting. She searched for a teacher to help her learn the basics about oil painting and had heard that Odd Dubland was a great artist and teacher. She admired his work and proceeded to take lessons from him. Solfrid says that she has also learned a lot by viewing other artists work. She has been studying paintings by Simon Kenevan, Martin Clarke and Ennio Corti.
In August of 2009, she began to paint and within a year her paintings were accepted into a gallery. Today, only two years later, she has paintings in Thrane Goard Gallery, Soya Gallery, in Gjesdal Galleri Mollerin and has paintings hanging in Isbua, Hidra as well.
Solfrid Helene Steinskog, in my opinion, is a rising star. She has really come a long way in a very short time. Her paintings are so realistic and a pleasure to view. Thank you for sharing them with me and all of your fans. I see a bright future in art for you Solfrid and all you have to do is keep painting. Your talent is evident and I know your ancestors would be so proud of you if they were here today. I'm sure they are smiling from above. All the best to you and to your friend and teacher, Odd Dubland.
Here is the link to the article:
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